Supporting you beyond new trademark applications.

Other Trademark Services

Everything you need to keep your application and registrations in good standing.
Pending Trademark Applications
We offer services to address every situation in the lifecycle of a new trademark application that has not yet registered.
Petition to Revive
Registered Trademarks
After your trademark registers, we can help with updates, monitoring, and maintenance.
Renewal Service
Mailing Address Update
Trademark Disputes
If there is an issue related to trademark infringement, we can help.
Letters of Protest
Cease and Desist Letters
Settlement Negotiation Service
Settlement Drafting Service
a man standing in front of a wooden table with an aprona woman standing in front of a table filled with tools
a man standing in a room with lots of shelvesA person in a yellow top and brown apron holding a clipboard.Man in headphones intently soldering a circuit board at a dimly lit workbench.
It has been really easy to use this service to get my Trademark filed. They have been really great about responding to questions.
Amy Ouzoonian
Founder, MoodConnect LLC
Always super fast service - thank you!
Louise Knowler
CEO, Distinctive Wash Ltd.
I've been working with them for a year now. My brand registration was smooth and quick. Well organized and quick to respond.
Aasma Aziz
Founder, Aasma's Dream
I thank you so very much for your prompt attention in handling my trademark renewal. Much respect to you and your professionalism.
Pauline Morris
CEO, Mabrak Music, Inc.
Excellent help and very professional. I have used Markavo 5 or 6 times, which is always excellent.
Steve Walsh
CEO, Crate Connect Inc.
The price is reasonable and the delivery is processed in a timely manner. They took the time to answer my questions and they are very helpful.
Derrick Stanfield
CEO of Christians Be Heard Inc.
Markavo® is easy to work with and successfully registered a half-dozen trademarks in the medical field for us.
Tom Casey
Spectrum Plasma, CEO
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Start with a free attorney trademark search.
A black and white logo with the words matchpaceA black and white logo with the word illusionA black and white photo of the word nokiaA black and white photo of a bagA black and white photo of a foreign languageA black and white logo with the words pick vitaminA black and white logo with the words flight jordanA black and white photo of a spoon and forkA black and white photo of a logo